Sedona Mago
Experience the beauty, feel the energy, and awaken your spirit If you're looking for a place to unwind and re-connect with what's important, what better environment than one of the most beautiful deserts on the planet? Sedona Mago Retreat is located on a stunning, 163-acre stretch of land in the high Arizonan desert, 4,500-feet above sea level. From the hot days of summer to the cooling breezes of spring and autumn, to the snowcapped red rocks in the winter, it's ideal for exploring nature, gazing at the stars, and re-connecting with everything that's important in your life. 120 casitas mean the retreat is large enough for small groups to visit year round, but it is also small enough for the privacy and meditation you need for holistic healing. Everything here is geared towards healing the body, calming the mind, and awakening the spirit.