Submit Event serves as a travel resource for Arizona visitors and residents. Arizona offers a variety of year-round activities and events for consumers of all walks of life. The Arizona Office of Tourism provides local businesses, communities, and organizations from across the state a platform to promote qualified local events free of charge. (Please complete the form below.)

When submitting your event, please keep the following in mind:

  • Due to the volume of Event request we receive. Event listings should not exceed 2 weeks in duration. Event postings longer than 2 weeks are not permitted and are subject to be removed.
  • Event submissions should be open to the public.
  • Events should be of interest to participants or spectators from neighboring communities, across Arizona, or from out-of-state.
  • Submitted events will be reviewed by internal staff and must meet the qualification standards of the Arizona Office of Tourism.
  • Event Postings are a free service to qualified Arizona based Businesses and Organizations. Every event is reviewed for accuracy, validity, and frequency. Know that the Arizona Office of Tourism restricts the number of events per submitter within a given period. Multiple events of the same type and date are not permitted and are subject to permanent removal.

By submitting an event, an account record is created in our database. From time to time, we may wish to contact you with marketing information and updates about AOT activities and state tourism topics via email. For more information on how we collect and use your information, see our privacy policy page: Privacy Policy.

How long will it take for my event to appear on the site?

The Arizona Office of Tourism will aim to review and post "approved" events within 48 hours. Ideally, we ask that you submit your event at least two months prior to the event.

We DO NOT list the following types of events:

  • PR/DIGITAL Agencies or Advertisement Representatives
  • Non-Localized Travel Agents, Associations, or Clubs
  • Local seminars or lectures
  • Trunk shows or gallery openings
  • Non-Localized Retreats
  • Commercial Shopping center or Store sales
  • Movie Theatre Premieres or Featured Openings
  • K-12 sporting events or performances
  • Chamber mixers and similar networking events
  • Community charity events
  • Commercial Hotel, restaurant, and bar specials or shows
  • Library events or book signings
  • Camps or retreats
  • Classes or workshops

Submission Guidelines for Images

  • Allowed File Types: Images (bmp, gif, jpeg, png, tiff.) Images (Web) (gif, jpeg, png) | DO NOT UPLOAD PDF's FOR IMAGES.
  • File Names must be formatted correctly and CANNOT contain "extra periods, apostrophes, commas, emojis, etc. (Characters that are NOT supported include, but are not limited to: @ $ % & \ / : * ? " ' < > | ~ ` # ^ + = { } [ ] ; ! emojis)
  • Image File Size (Logos will not be accepted) *Max file size is 2MB
  • Image Dimensions (1:1 ratio in most cases) a) must be a square and b) 300p x 300px up to 2200px x 2200px

Did you know?

If you already have a Business Listing account with the Arizona Office of Tourism, please log in to our Business Listing Portal, you can add and edit your event. Learn more.

If you need to create an account in our Business Listing Portal, please sign up here.

NOTE: Due to the volume of events our office receives, it may take up to a week before events are reviewed and approved. Local Arizona-based businesses or entities must be the submitter. We ask that you submit your event at least two months prior to the event.

Should you have any questions about this form, please contact Marjorie Magnusson at


Cities & Regions

From the abundance of Saguaro cactuses and unique wildlife in the Sonoran Desert to the high country and forests of the White Mountains to the breathtaking Grand Canyon, Arizona’s regions are full of experiences that don’t disappoint.