Annual Renaissance Festival
Feb 1st
- Hours10:00AM-6:00PM, SAT, SUN & President's Day Monday
- Time10:00 AM to 6:00 PM
37th Annual Arizona Renaissance Festival –SAT. & SUN 10am-6pm FEB.1-MAR.30, 12601 East U.S. Hwy. 60, Gold
Canyon,, (520) 463-2600. Enjoy another season of raucous revelry and exciting surprises; this
unique 16th Century, 50-acre event features a 5,000-seat jousting arena, 200 artisans and their treasures, 2,000
costumed characters, and 16 stages of nonstop music, acrobatics, dance, comedy and much more. Free parking
courtesy of Bashas’ and Food City.