Mansions of Main Ave. Walking Tour
Feb 8th
- Hours10:00am to 12:00pm Timezone: MST
April 20, 9-11 am
This tour begins and ends in front of Cafe a la C'art, 150 N. Main Ave.
$20/member, $35/non-member
Take a stroll down Main Avenue to view the homes and hear the stories of the movers and shakers of early Tucson, including:
**Hiram and Petra Stevens who were a prominent merchant couple whose domestic life was less than perfect.
**Sam Hughes who is called by some the “father of Tucson”
**Annie Cheyney whose newly restored 1905 home is the talk of the town
**Albert Steinfeld of department store fame whose son Harold was a top scorcher
**Frank Hereford, an attorney who represented the defendants in the Wham Robbery
**William Herring who was at one time Wyatt Earp’s lawyer
This tour does not enter any of the homes, but attendees will get a good view of the front facades of the homes on the tours.
Cancellation Policy:
Cancellations received more than 24 hours in advance will receive a refund. Cancellations received less than 24 hours in advance will not receive a refund.