Spring Gem & Mineral Show

Apr 11th

  • Hours9 am -3 pm
  • AdmissionFree
  • Time9:00 AM to 3:00 PM

The Payson Rimstones Rock Club from Payson AZ is having a Gem & Mineral Show and Sale Saturday April 12 at the Parking Lot east of the former Big Lots, on HWY 260, Payson, AZ. Admission is free. Hours are 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Gems, minerals, fossils, jewelry, slabs, or rough material will be available from our vendors. Free rocks for children at our spinning wheel. Come find a unique Easter or Mother’s Day gift.

All our proceeds go toward supporting scholarships for graduating Payson High School students and students who are residents of Northern Gila County attending a college of their choice

  • Location Parking lot behind El Rodeo and east of the former Big Lots
  • 300 Hwy 260, Payson, AZ
  • Payson, Arizona 85541


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