The Arizona Repertory Singers present a performance of musical and poetic beauty inspired by celestial skies. Selections feature compositions spanning six centuries from Renaissance to current, including instrumental accompaniment on piano, recorder, and djembe (percussion instrument). O Schöne Nacht by Johannes Brahms speaks to the romance of the night, and Adolphus Hailstork’s Nocturne envisions the beauty of a summer night with ethereal musical elements. Sarah Quartel’s Sing, my Child offers dance-like mixed meter led by soloists and a choral arrangement of Dolly Parton’s Light of a Clear Blue Morning features the hope and inspiration of the sun as dawn brightens the morning sky. This performance wouldn’t be complete without two lyrical pieces by Grammy award-winning composer, Eric Whitacre, that have captivated international listeners from many years: Sleep and The Seal Lullaby, featuring poetry by Rudyard Kipling. Tickets are $22 online, $25 at door, students with ID admitted free.